There is talk of tens of billions of dollars . In addition dozens of them would be needed to cover the demand. And the receiving facility should also be large. Which makes the system even more expensive. The last drawback since the satellite is so far from Earth if it has a problem it cannot be repaired . But there are similar cheaper alternatives. A simplified system would use satellites 400 kilometers from Earth small in size placed at different points in the orbit. Less cost but also less benefit since they would generate between 1 and 10 MW per satellite which would cover less demand.
This system would use lasers to send the energy which could cause suspicions for its possible military uses. Solar energy from space is clean and practically infinite Source Brand Factory Telefónica Space solar power is coming There are projects related to the photo editor capture of solar energy from space in several countries. Both the United States and the United Kingdom intend to launch this type of energy generation systems called space-based solar powerby its acronym SBSP or SSP. In the English case the idea is to start it up in 2030 and make it operational.
At the latest. But you don't have to wait that long. The California Institute of Technology Caltech plans to launch its first tests in 2023. And beyond the United States and the United Kingdom countries such as China Japan Russia or India are also interested in it. In China for example they intend to launch their own small space stations by 2025 at the latest. And in 2035 they will put a 200-ton station into orbit. In short the technology is available. But building the receiving facilities and satellites and putting them into orbit is only within the reach.