6. Social networks are a good way to increase your real Telegram members. Note that you need to advertise properly on social networks to attract more members. For example, if your channel is about animal pictures, just search for #animalpictures on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc., and then comment under each one that you have a channel about animals, so that people, if they are interested, They can join your channel. 7. Do not forget Telegram groups and Telegram supergroups To attract more members, it is better to be active in related Telegram groups, but the problem is that if you advertise in a group, you will be removed or fired (by robots), so pay attention to this creative method now. Name your profile " View My Profile ". Then put your Telegram channel address and other information in your profile. This is one of the best ways to increase Telegram members.
8- Exchange with similar channels Use the sites mentioned earlier to find channels similar to yours. Find channels Buy Special Marketing Data similar to yours on those sites and send your message to the administrators of those channels and talk about interaction. You don't have to find an exact match. For example, if you have a channel about clothes, you can link to a channel about scarves. 9. Hold challenges and contests This method is another great way to increase Telegram channel members. Again, for example, let's say your channel is about mobile phones, ask your users to send a picture of their phones and post them on your channel. The image that has more views than the others is the winner, and you can consider, for example, 50,000 Tomans as a gift for the winner. In this way, you can earn 10 times 50,000 Tomans.

10. Use original text and images Copying your posts is very important and if you write your channel address in the corner of your photos, it can have a good effect to become a brand and attract more members. 11. User interaction with the channel to produce content This strategy is a good way to keep members satisfied and interact with them. Post your ID on the channel and tell your users that if they have a post about the channel, send it to you to use on your channel. 12. Use Telegram hashtags This method helps the channel members to search about the topics of their interest and find them easily. Therefore, it makes members satisfied and also increases the number of channel members. But the most important thing to know is: How to keep members of your Telegram channel? More important than increasing Telegram channel members is keeping them.