processes to establish the quality of a site or web page. Inother words, On-Page SEO optimization activities and links received from othersites are no longer enough. People's opinion about your website is veryimportant. The introduction of the User Experience indicators and the brandvalue of a site, in the Google ranking algorithms, made the SEO activity anactivity that requires knowledge of online marketing and classic marketing. Forthis reason, many SEO "specialists" today, no longer obtain resultson competitive domains and keep complaining about Google's "updates".Another important aspect in The New SEO is represented by the BusinessUnderstanding chapter . you don'tunderstand. A JediSEO
Master must understand and study his clients' businesses inorder to propose the best online Italy WhatsApp Number Data marketing strategy. 7 SEO TACTICS FROM THEPAST. WHAT NOT(!) TO DO TO GET TO THE TOP OF SEARCHES? Ovidiu Joita About SEOin general 0 comments 3500 views SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a field inconstant change and evolution, the new direction being dictated by Google, thelargest search engine in the world, which in Romania has a market share of over90%. His algorithms are constantly being sharpened, taking into account moreand more factors for the ranking of sites in the results pages. Moreover,online marketing specialists claim that Google uses over 200 criteria forordering links, most of which are kept secret. However, recently, the

tendency is to give a much greater importance to the userexperience, rather than purely technical considerations. Thus, metrics such asUser Experience indicators and brand value in SEO have become crucial,sometimes more relevant than specific aspects, for example headings. Underthese conditions, certain tactics used at the beginning of SEO, which back thenguaranteed your success, may now have the opposite effect and attract harshpenalties from Google. In the following, we will review 7 strategies that, wesay, should have been abandoned a long time ago, because they are completelyoutdated and are part of what is called "black hat SEO". Certainly,many of them will sound familiar to you and, if you used them many years ago,you don't have to feel