And continue reading books on biology and natural sciences, which for me are an inexhaustible stimulus of connections, ideas, reflections: the lifeblood that feeds my work. Alessandra Farabegoli | Email Marketing, Mailchimp, Email Marketing Workout UX Writing, drawing, Japanese cuisine and K-pop In I want to delve into UX Writing even more , I would like to take time for drawing and use sketches to brainstorm and put my ideas in order, and learn to cook ramen to perfection and dance K-pop!  Nicole Zavagnin | Mailchimp Workout Photo by Wendy Aros-Routman on Unsplash
Social Media & Advertising: things to study in Written by Silvia Versari Share We asked our teachers: what are the trends that our students should invest in training in ? What are the fundamentals to rediscover? Here are the an Bosnia and Herzegovina WhatsApp Number swers from the teachers of the Social Media and Advertising area. What are the Social Media and Advertising trends that our students should invest in training in ? Why? Attribution and Incrementality Continue the study of Attribution (weighing the role of each channel in a conversion path) and Incrementality (understanding whether or not a conversion action would have occurred regardless of our marketing activities, so as to measure the real impact of our activities of marketing).
This is the best article Avinash Kaushik and talks about Attribution ≠ Incrementality . Enrico Marchetto | Facebook Marketing Advanced The quality of the contents With Instagram's investment in video content with music support such as Reels , but also Stories and Guides , the quality of the content produced and shared will become increasingly important . It therefore becomes essential to train in the best possible way in order to fully understand the potential of the new social media features to fully exploit it in your branding and marketing strategy.