Are original contents using the target language allowed? Of course! If you identify a keyword opportunity and a significant audience to consume it, create 100% original content; the new region’s audience will appreciate the attention. This concludes the basic part of . If you think about it, it’s not too different from what you already do in terms of your marketing strategy, right? Now, let’s move on to the most delicate part of international SEO, which, finally, is what separates this concept from everyday SEO: the technical part.
Decide on the main technical aspects Elementary! Defining your international SEO strategy’s technical C Level Executive List aspect is indispensable. From the server location, choose the right structure for your site, and the correct Hreflang implementation. Website structure For this part, you must have a clear and definite goal: country, language, or hybrid? If you want to focus your efforts on a group of countries that share the same language, opt for an approach based on language selection. If you want the content to target a specific audience or country, it is better to choose country segmentation — obviously.

From this, you should choose the structure that most benefits your goal: ccTLD country-specific top-level domain: This is basically about obtaining a domain containing the extension of the country you want to reach. This way, you connect and geolocalize your site by default. That is, if you have a “.com.mx”, you are already automatically geolocalized in Mexico. But remember that if you want to reach more than one country, you will have to work on each domain as a separate project, and each new domain starts with zero authority.