As promised, the second part of our little infographic series follows. If you missed the first part including the expert interview with Professor Stoll, please go here. “ I know it when I SEE it” said Randy Krum about successful graphics. Yes quite right. With these design basics you can find out how you can visually design your infographic in such a way that Randy Krum also thinks it's great. The first glance counts: If the user sees an infographic, they decide within a few seconds whether they will pay further attention to the graphic or not. Of course, the graphic elements play an important role.
Yes Yes, as we all know, tastes are different, but there are some universal India Car Owner Phone Number List rules of design. We will now introduce you to the most important ones that you should consider when creating your infographics. 1. Size matters! Is your infographic short and sweet or does it cover complex content and is therefore a little longer? Neither problem! Only if the size exceeds 8000 pixels does it become too long and you run the risk of losing the reader. Do you want to get fit in online marketing? With our newsletter you will automatically receive the latest Seocracy articles directly in your inbox! Subscribe now tldr too long, didn't read- too long, didn't look! 2. Use the natural reading direction! In our culture, the natural reading direction is left to right and top to bottom.

You should keep this in mind when arranging your graphic elements and use it to your advantage! It's especially true for portrait format graphics! infographic find your missing child The red line supports automatic reading direction. This is particularly helpful for infographics with a lot of text. 3. Contrasts – do handle with care! my eyes hurt :-)) Contrasts are great: they are the icing on the cake and make your infographic an eye-catcher. Provided you use it specifically and carefully. Contrasts are particularly suitable for highlighting - but if you consider everything to be very important and use strong complementary contrasts, the viewer will definitely suffer eye damage ;-).A gentle method of contrasting is to use quality contrasts, i.e. a kind of tone-on-tone Contrast.