Seasonal rentals have become a way out used by real estate agents to avoid having to comply with the new housing law which, among other things, aims to limit prices in the main Catalan cities and municipalities. Contracts of between one and eleven months in duration have been outside the state regulations in force since May and the Catalan administration fears that it is an easy way to circumvent the law. It would not be the first time, it already happened during the months after the pandemic, when the law to contain rental prices was in force, overturned by the Constitutional Court. “The Government will not allow the use of seasonal rentals as a way to circumvent and circumvent the rental price limitation,” said the newly appointed Minister of Territories, Ester Capella, in her first intervention in a parliamentary committee since taking office.
Charge a few weeks ago. This measure will be added to the consideration as stressed residential market areas of 140 municipalities, among which are all the large centers, 80% of the population of Catalonia). In all Job Function Email Database of them they want to apply the rental price limitation provided for in the new housing law approved this year by the Pedro Sánchez Government. This delimitation is already visible to the public and, according to Capella, it is not necessary for city councils to make a decree declaring it, as Barcelona's city council did last week. The new councilor has also committed to carrying out "a new regulation of the urban planning regime for housing for tourist use" considering places where "tourist use produces price tensions and does not guarantee a supply of rental housing sufficient to satisfy the needs of the population.

Resident population," according to Capella. He did so in a speech to present the guidelines of his department, much more focused on housing than on infrastructure, unlike what his predecessors did. There is no surprise in this portfolio and Capella has insisted on the classic of classics: the complete transfer of Rodalies.Many are still in shock after former Republican President Donald Trump's administration changed the test in 2020, making it longer and more difficult to pass. Within months, Democratic President Joe Biden took office and signed an executive order aimed at removing barriers to citizenship. In that spirit, the citizenship test was changed to its previous version, which was last updated in 2008. In December, US officials said the test needed to be updated after 15 years. The new version is expected at the end of next year. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services proposes that the new test add an oral section to assess English skills.