Go to full article What is advertising?: definition, types and history Learn about the definition of advertising, the most important elements of its history, what this methodology is for—which has been around for more thanyears—and how it can boost your company to obtain more and better customers, who become sales for your business. product or service. Go to full article → What is a lead in digital marketing and why is it important? What are leads in marketing and why are they so important? A lead is a potential customer who shows interest in your products or services, and in this article we will tell you everything you need to know about it.
Go to full article → Examples of Attraction Marketing Attraction marketing or inbound marketing is excellent if you want to reach more people without having to go out and find them. We give you the example of Mia Astral so you can see how attraction marketing Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data works and how you can implement it. Go to full article →Digital marketing trends that you should not forget Digital marketing trends that you should not forget Marketing Editorial Team Index of contents Digital Marketing Trends Facebook instagram Say hello to chatbots Video, Video everywhere E-mail Voice interactions Content matters If there is one thing we have seen in recent years, it is that we are no longer willing to ignore digital marketing.

Don't worry, we are not saying that traditional marketing is dead and that it will no longer be necessary. The fear that digital will take over and replace analog has been present since the creation of television and ebooks, and insales of physical books increased. Damn millennials! The reality is that doing digital marketing gives you an advantage over your competition . Social networks (and especially the Internet) have become part of our daily lives and ignoring it would be wasting an opportunity to connect with more potential clients and reach more people.