Click on the button below to load the content from h5p.org. Load content With the checklist you should now be equipped to recognize (un)professional texts. Silja explains how to properly use your content marketing content on your blog and magazine in her articles on “ Corporate Blogging ” and “ The 7 cornerstones of your content marketing strategy ”. Also interesting: “ How much does good content marketing cost? ” We would of course be happy to advise you on these topics and everything else related to content marketing .
But/ Felix: That's often the question I ask myself, are links on category pages even Special Data natural? In which case do you link to a category? Don't you link to a specific product or generally to a specific homepage of a specific shop, but why should I link to a specific category? So in rare cases this is actually believable. There can be cases, but usually it's a bit weird. Julian: I know that certain companies have internal tools and they look at it and if they see/you can see/you can see how the links are distributed, and then in a category.

If you happen to have ten times as many links as the others, then you think, ah, that could be unnatural and would then take a closer look. So it's actually not that good to link to categories because nobody does that. On products or on the main page, home page. Felix: The strong side. Julian: Strong side, yes. That the homepage becomes the strength page. Felix: Good. Neele: We'll just leave it like that. Julian: Greetings to Mario Fischer. Neele: Simon added another question: I'll read the whole thing to you. Exactly, so individual SEO footer texts per page makes sense, as you said earlier.