Derived from work accidents. In the sense indicated above, it is considered that the judgment of the Supreme Court dated June 23, 2014 implies a modification of the previous doctrine, especially with regard to temporary and permanent disabilities. In the legal foundations of said sentence, a series of questions of a general nature are discussed regarding the additional compensation that should be reviewed, due to its capital importance: Firstly, the system of corporate responsibility in professional.
Contingencies must be assessed, which derives from the benefits, their surcharge, the voluntary improvements of the protective action and civil liability of a contractual nature. The requirement of fault in contractual liability moible number data must also be estimated. Regarding the competence of the social order, it entails both contractual and non-contractual civil liability. Regarding the general scope of economic compensation, the employee has the right to full compensation.

The determination of the amount of compensation can be audited by means of an extraordinary appeal. The basic categories that can be compensated are bodily damage (psychic and physical injuries), moral damage (spiritual or psychological illness), emergent damage (patrimonial loss associated with the accident) and loss of earnings (loss of job prospects and income). For its part, the rule of compensatio lucri cum damn is responsible for the compatibility and complementarity of compensation.