Video ads also have many other benefits for your business which we detail in our blog article. We have prepared some tips for you on how you can learn more about your target group through video ads and how your ads should be structured. Our team has written instructions for creating successful Facebook Ads campaigns. Here you will find out on 26 pages how to get the perfect ad on Facebook and how to.
Avoid unnecessary costs click here and download TABLE OF CONTENTS The right formats for Facebook video ads Phone Number List The videos used as ad creatives can be created in various formats and uploaded to Ads Manager . You can find out how creating videos within Ads Manager in the Creating Video Ads in Facebook section. To get an overview of the format in which you can upload your content for your ad here is a list of format types that are supported. The size of the video cannot exceed 4 GB . The different aspect ratios depend on the placement of your ad.
Depending on where the ad is to be shown you must consider in advance which video format you have to upload. For some placements for example the ad cannot be displayed at all without the appropriate format. In other cases the videos are automatically cropped which rarely produces nice results. By placing your campaign you can determine where you reach your users. Those like those for ads in the Facebook News Feed are very popular and therefore a little more expensive. This could result in your reach being smaller depending on the industry.