The best free stock photos and videos shared by talented creators. Interface of the Pexels program Interface of the Pexels program Freepik Shareware service with a free database of photos, PSD templates and vector images. You can download a beautiful template and edit it in Figma, Photoshop or any other editor. Templates can be searched through the search form, for which it is better to use queries in English. Interface of the Freepik program Interface of the Freepik program New Old Stock On the site you can find a collection of vintage photos that are not protected by copyright. An ideal option for retro content that not every second person uses.
Lots of unusual photos of interiors, streets, places and textures. Interface of the “New Old Stock” program Interface of the “New Old Stock” program If you are planning to develop your channel in Telegram and attract a paying audience there, sign up for the free Web Development Services course “How to attract clients from Telegram and make money.” After the course, you will be able to prepare content suitable for the channel, implement chat bots into the channel, and you will know all the secrets of promotion in the messenger. Some tips for improving your content Creating quality content is the main task of Internet users for their blog.

To achieve quality and grow your channel faster, we have collected some tips. Telegram channel “coffee shop for sphinxes” Telegram channel “coffee shop for sphinxes” Image format To avoid distortion when scaling, we recommend using a format of 1280 by 1280 pixels. Remember that Telegram can cut corners. Therefore, it is better to do without images where everything important is in the corners. Use a variety of sources Don't be afraid to experiment and innovate with your content. Appropriate diversity is always welcome and will not go unnoticed.