Than in a traditional contract because the rules of the smart contract are recorded in computer code and cannot be freely interpreted according to the intent of the contract but only in the literal sense remains mixed for the blockchain even if it remains a very promising technology which still seems to have something in store to amaze us in the coming years Awesome Picture WELCOME THE AGENCY STRATEGY ACQUISITION DATA WEB DEVELOPMENT BLOG CONTACT RECRUITMENT DATA RECOVERY POLICY COOKIE SETTINGS Copyright Eminence All Rights Reserved logo The Agency Strategy.
Acquisition Data Web Development Customer Case Blog Contact Why invest in Blockchain wedding photo editing service Blog Why invest in Blockchain Performance Blockchain is the new buzzword of the digital universe Today all sectors are starting to closely study the possible use cases of this technology but few players offer optimized solutions based on it The reason is simple blockchain technology is still very complex to understand Let s start by understanding what blockchain is Blockchain in French blockchain is a technology that allows value or data to be stored and transmitted over the internet in a transparent secure manner and without a central control body.
More clearly it is a large decentralized and shared database which brings together the history of all exchanges carried out between its users since its creation Initially developed as a method of accounting for virtual currency Bitcoin blockchains that use so called distributed ledger technology DLT are now appearing in many commercial applications Currently the technology is primarily used to verify transactions in digital currencies but it is possible to scan encode and insert virtually any document into the blockchain This creates an indelible record that cannot be altered.