This is essential to segment and follow up, and even more so when the same lead is managed by a combination of telemarketer and salesperson. When a prospect has not been satisfied after visiting a property, their comments can be recorded to better prepare objections or see what things about the product can be improved, or later send them better offers. CRM is an indispensable tool in Digital Marketing for Real Estate Companies and be careful, we are not talking about Excel, we are talking about a professional.
System for controlling and monitoring clients. Follow-up, or persistence, is also important and is done much better with a CRM. According to research, the average persistence rate is one attempt, and less than % of salespeople used the phone when following up. Specialists Digital Marketing Service suggest six to eight attempts with a variety of media, but marketers don't like this. A good CRM should be part of the digital marketing arsenal for real estate agencies as it allows leads to be scored as they register, interact with your actions and messages.

Scoring is an objective way of knowing if the prospect is interested based on measurement points and not only on the seller's opinion. There may be a good lead that continues to interact with the web properties, but they simply did not understand the seller. If your score detects it, you change the seller and close the sale. Or, there may be a low-scoring lead that isn't worth spending more time on. Any ideas: Apps like Zoho and ActiveCampaign work very well. If you don't have much of a budget, use SalesUp.