You’ll see which keywords they rank well for. You’ll even see how long they’ve ranked well for that keyword. You can also see which keywords they use in their PPC ad campaigns. You’ll also see the ROI they get on each keyword. Additionally. you can see a competitor’s rank history and their rises and falls in Google to find out what works for them and what doesn’t. Finally. you can use Spyfu to improve your site’s rank.
To start. sign in and then add your site URL and chosen keywords. You’ll get weekly Cameroon Email List updates on your site’s performance. You can then use this information to adjust your SEO and PPC campaigns for optimal results. Spyfu is also an ideal tool for content marketing. In addition to keyword research. it offers comprehensive backlink information. This helps you create content that can earn links from high-ranking sites.
Pros & Cons. and Alternatives How To Use Spyfu: Four Best Practices Research your target audience What is your target audience? Do you know which types of people are most likely to buy your products/services? If you’re not sure. do some careful research. See which demographic makes the most purchases. Check out which types of people make the most items. Knowing who you want to reach is a must before doing a competitor analysis.