Source code for the application. There are three modules. The module located in the root of the directory is the entry point to the application. It is responsible for starting the web server. This module contains the client i.e. database interface. This module defines the routing endpoints and accompanying business logic. This module defines the routing endpoints and accompanying business logic. The folder has the following contents. This directory contains database migration history. This file contains a script for seeding your development database with dummy data. This file defines the image of the database. This file contains the database connection string for the database. NOTE For more information about these components please read Chapter 1 of this tutorial series. Implementing Authentication in This section you will implement most of the authentication logic. By the end of this section the following endpoints will be protected by authentication.
There are two main types of authentication used: ses photo editing servies sion-based authentication and token-based authentication. In this tutorial you implement token-based authentication using tokens. Note This short video explains the basics of both types of authentication. Start by creating a new module in your application. Run the following command to generate a new module copy and you will see some prompts. Answer the appropriate question Authorize Rest No. You should now find a new module in the directory. Install and configure popular authentication libraries for applications. It is highly configurable and supports multiple authentication strategies. It is designed to be used with frameworks and is built on top of them. Made with first-party integrations making it easy to use in your applications. First install the following packages Copy Now that you have the required packages installed you can configure them in the application.
Open the file and add the following code Copy this module Provides a module that can be imported into your application. It is a wrapper around the library providing specific utilities. You can read more about it in the official documentation. You also configure the ones used for generation and validation. This is the library wrapper. Provide the key used for signing. The expiration time defined by this object. Currently set to minutes. Note Remember to generate a new token if the previous token has expired. You can use what is shown in the code snippet or generate your own code snippet. You can generate your own key using quick as shown below. Note that in a real application you should not store .