From Sales Navigator From Sales Navigator, the process is the same. find phone from sales navigator with chrome extension Simply visit the Sales Navigator profile and you will see the same button appearing on your browser. This technique is efficient when you are looking for a few phone numbers. But when you need to find hundreds or thousands: you need another way to proceed. That’s exactly what we are going to cover in the next part. Find Phone Numbers from Linkedin in Bulk With the following workflow you can build a large lead list and get their phone numbers in bulk.
For this example we will use Datagma. Let’s see Web Design and Development Service how to proceed. . From Linkedin steps to get phone numbers from Sales Navigator: Make a Linkedin search Export search to CSV with Phantombuster Import CSV to Datagma . Make a Linkedin Search The first step is to build a list of leads or candidates using the linkedin search filters Once you are happy with the results, we can get to the next step. . Export search to CSV with Phantombuster export your linkedin search results to a CSV file using Phantombuster’s Linkedin Search Export. export linkedin search results.

Select the phantom in their library and follow the instructions. download linkedin search results x Few minutes later, you will end up with these results into an Excel file . Import CSV to Datagma The third step is to take the CSV file from Phantombuster and upload it into Datagma Bulk Phone Finder. Connect to Datagma and click on Search > File Upload > Mobile Phone Numbers Only bulk linkedin mobile phone finder There will be a column matching step: Select Prospect Linkedin URL Flag for the first filed Prospect.